Overview Not really an audio project, but still fun. The entire purpose of this project was to make a silly cat toy. It uses a joystick to control two sg90 servos to move around a laser pointer. This is actually a pretty easy project to setup. The joystick is essentially just two potentiometers, one controls the x axis servo, the other controls the y axis. All you need to do is read the analog values from each of the potentiometers, and use the Arduino map() function to map them to the angles of the servos. This has two modes, on where you control the servos with the joystick, and another where the laser randomly moves around. For the random mode, I thought that just mapping random values directly to the servos would make it too erratic. Instead of implementing the random mapping in that way, I made an array of coordinates. This array essentially broke the throw of the laser into a 3x3 grid. Then different positions are randomly chosen from this array, and ...
Overview The reasoning for starting this project was two-fold, firstly, its cool being able to turn your lights on and off with your phone. Secondly, I wanted to have an excuse to learn how to make mobile apps for controlling electronics projects. This post will just cover the hardware aspects, and use an already available Android Bluetooth serial app. The creation of a specific app will be covered in a future post once it is done. This was the app I used for getting everything up and running. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=de.kai_morich.serial_bluetooth_terminal&hl=en_NZ&gl=US Electronics The electronics for this project are extremely simple, they just consist of an Arduino nano, an HC-06 Bluetooth module, and a 4 channel relay module. Four bare power outlets with screw terminals are also required to actually plug stuff in, although depending on your application you could just wire whatever device you want to control directly to the relay. The HC-06 m...